Our Blog | The Jan Broberg Foundation

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    Today is Giving Tuesday

    Today is Giving Tuesday

    Thank you for your continued support of The Jan Broberg Foundation. Your generosity and kindness makes a difference in the lives of adults and children who have been sexually abused. Today, on Giving Tuesday, our donation goals are to cultivate healing through our...

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    Jan’s Childhood Journal

    Jan’s Childhood Journal

    Jan’s Journals Here’s a peek at me through the lens of journal entries I made starting at age nine. I am inviting you into my stories because I think you may see yourself at different ages.. You’ll see what I was like then, and maybe see how you were then too. And...

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    How predators gain trust through grooming.

    How predators gain trust through grooming.

    We All Need To Trust Trust is fundamental to our development.  We learn at an early age whom to trust, and we thrive when our trust is honored. As children, we can’t care for ourselves. Our bodies are vulnerable and require the care and love of someone else for us to...

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    A Message From Jan

    Welcome to the Jan Broberg Foundation’s (JBF) newsletter. You are an important part of our movement as we raise awareness, share stories, and support each other in healing and education. All to create happy healthy childhoods at any—and every— age. The first week of...

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    Thrivivors…a year old…and going strong!

    Thrivivors…a year old…and going strong!

    I know that my voice matters and that I’m important.” – E. “Thrivivor”
    One year ago we launched our peer to peer online community that offers support, understanding and friendship to those who are on the healing journey. Over the past year we have shared our stories, our triumphs, our struggles. We have learned from experts who specialize in healing through movement, music, art and writing; they have taught us about healing techniques, setting boundaries,…

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    The Wonderful (and complicated) Holiday Season

    The Wonderful (and complicated) Holiday Season

    The Busy, Exhausting, Exciting and Complex Holiday Season
    My father was a florist. He got his first job at the local flower shop when he was in high school and would later buy the same shop and become a master designer, creating for weddings, funerals and many local events. But it is his store during the holiday season that reminds me most of his work, the smells, the colors, the poinsettias, evergreens and ribbons, the music and buzz of customers and employees. It was a really beautiful and…

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